Cane Corso’s, also known as Italian Mastiffs, are large, loyal dogs with an interesting history. Despite their large, intimidating presence, these dogs are affectionate, friendly, and generally great dogs—but not necessarily for beginners.
Read on to learn more about the Cane Corso breed, how to care for them, and whether they are the right choice for your home.
The History of the Cane Corso
Cane Corso’s are a part of a group of dogs known as the Molossian breed, one of the oldest known groups of dogs recorded that can trace its lineage all the way to ancient Greece. The name was derived from Latin, and it means guardian or protector dog.
These dogs fought alongside the Roman army, hunted boar, and were used as working dogs by farmers in the Italian countryside.
The breed almost went extinct after World War II when machines took over many of the Cane Corso’s jobs on the farm, but they saw a resurgence in the 1970s.
In 2010, they were officially recognized as a pure breed by the American Kennel Club.
Common Breed Characteristics
One of the best things about Cane Corso’s is their kind, loving personalities. They love their families and are fiercely loyal, but they are not incredibly social without people. They are protective of their homes and their families, and many people adopt Cane Corso’s to be guard dogs.
They do well with kids when they are introduced at an early age, but they are not the best choice for households with other small animals. With their high prey drive and large build, they tend to interact better with larger dogs.
Above all, Cane Corso’s are a working breed who love to be busy and love to spend time with their family.
Because of their generous size, Cane Corso’s do have shorter lifespans. They typically live 10-11 years.
These dogs are known for their broad chests, wide heads, and floppy ears. They have a short double coat that comes in a variety of colors including black. gray, brindle, fawn, and red.
Caring for Your Cane Corso
Cane Corso’s are large dogs, so they need a lot of food every day to sustain them. While the amount of food they will need will differ from dog to dog, the average Corso weighing 90lbs will need approximately 2100 kcal’s daily.
It is important to provide them with the balanced nutrition they need to fuel their exercise requirements and prevent common health issues. A high-quality diet like Ancestry Pet Food is a great option for these gentle giants.
Common Health Issues
Like all breeds, Cane Corso’s come with their own common health issues be prepared for. These health conditions include:
Joint problems and arthritis
- Bloat
- Anxiety
- Hip dysplasia
- Cherry Eye
- Epilepsy
- Allergies and Food intolerances
The most important thing to know about Cane Corso’s is that they are working dogs and they need more exercise than some breeds to keep them happy and healthy. They are at their happiest when they have a job to do.
Give them plenty of physical and intellectual stimulation and focus on early socialization and training. Health Extension has plenty of healthy treats for training and rewarding your Cane Corso.
Is a Cane Corso Right for Your Family?
While Cane Corso’s are friendly, sweet dogs that love their families fiercely, they also are not the best dog for a beginner. They need a lot of exercise and dedicated training to help them grow into confident, well-mannered dogs.
If you are up for the challenge and feel like an active, loyal pup would fit well with your lifestyle, ---then the Cane Corso could be the perfect dog for you.